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Important information during the Covid-19 Pandemic

To our valued clients,

As we all know, Covid-19 has created an unprecedented situation worldwide and in Australia. Consequently, Atlantic, like most of your own businesses, has initiated changes to ensure it’s Business Continuity during this challenging time.

Some aspects of Atlantics Business Continuity Plan are as follows:

  1. We have tested and initiated changes that will see our personnel working remotely as & when required
  2. All of our group and individual e-mail inboxes are being reviewed & actioned as per usual
  3. We have implemented measures which will see our Office Phones automatically divert to Reception / Relevant staff members to ensure you can contact us as normal
  4. Alternatively you can contact your Client Manager directly. We suggest you begin utilising these numbers or contact us via email as this will be the quickest way to get in contact with us. Some frequently used contact details are as follows:
    Name Direct No Email
    Mark Palframan (03) 9836 3054


    Luke Prior (03) 9836 3421


    Jonathan Lim (03) 9836 3078


    Laura Hingert (03) 9071 3080


    Belinda Beveridge (03) 9071 3083


    Harry Welsh (03) 9071 3081


    Mary Woodroofe (03) 9071 3085


    Karen Sandlant (03) 9071 3082


    Lily Ngo (03) 9836 3801


  5. Our existing Emergency Assistance procedure remains in place. Click here for further information
  6. Face to face meetings will continue to be kept to a minimum with a continued focus on social distancing and wearing of masks where social distancing cannot be achieved or as per current government advice
  7. We do anticipate an impact on claims services as Insurers & contractors switch to working remotely. In addition there will be an additional emphasis on ensuring the safety of a Claim handlers if attending a meeting or site visit. As your Insurance Broker, as always, we will continue to act on your behalf to achieve fast and fair settlements of claims
  8. At this stage there have been minimal interruptions to our services as we work towards this shift in operating environment. However if there is any aspect that concerns you, please contact any of the following:
    Director – Mark Palframan  0410 441 411
    Director – Luke Prior 0455 555 053
    Relationship Manager – Graeme Palframan 0418 349 538

What is most important is, it’s business as usual and we are here to service your needs. We will continue to work towards exceeding your expectations but appreciate this will be a challenging time for all.

Please stay safe, please take care of one another and let’s all work together.

The Team @ Atlantic

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